Here you can find the summary of my personal projects and education. For the career snapshot, please see the work highlights page or download my CV. Feel free to reach out via the contacts below.
2024 Demo app for the job application React, Typescript, Redux, SASS, HTML, Tailwind CSS, React Testing Library
Create a Javascript application in which you can simulate controlling a robot. The robot should be placed on a 5x5 grid. Supply controls that let you move the robot forwards in the direction it is facing, and rotate the robot in place to face any cardinal direction.
Click to View2024 Portfolio website Jekyll, HTML, SASS, YML, Javascript
The idea of this website was long in the making, but finally I decided to put it together. It is a static website, built with Jekyll, and hosted on GitHub Pages.
Click to View2017 Mahjong Solitaire Angular JS v2, Typescript, SASS, Stylus, HTML, Webpack
An early experiment in rich web application development, browser implementation of the Mahjong Solitaire, with Angular JS v2.
Click to View2009 Move to Melbourne
A courageous decision to leave everything behind and call Melbourne home. I consider myself a Melburninian now and have lived there more of my adult life than anywhere else.
2004 Koenig Bicycle Team website PHP, Slim framework, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
A website for a local bicycle team, with a focus on the team's achievements and upcoming events. I maintained the website and added new features as needed, up until 2022.
Click to View2003 Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant Computer programming theory, C++, SQL, Databases theory, Python, Assembly language, Computer graphics, Algorithms and data structures
Masters degree in the Applied mathematics with a focus on the informational technology, numerical methods and mathematical modeling.
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